Monday, November 26, 2012

Bloody Sunday 1965

Bloody Sunday occurred on March 7, 1965. A non-violent protest march was organized starting in Selma and ending in Montgomery. Just short of the bridge that the protestors had to cross to reach Montgomery they were met by state troopers who ordered them to turn around. When the marchers refused they were beaten with billy clubs and sprayed with teargas. The above video show some of the images captured on Blood Sunday. Live footage of the assaults was televised around the world which led to more protestors traveling down to participate in marches. This ultimately helped further the civil rights movement.

This video is a interview of Alabama’s Governor George Wallace about the police brutality in Selma, Alabama on Bloody Sunday. The interview was shown on CBS news. The reporter’s question Wallace about how necessary the violence taken against the non-violent protestors was. Wallace also shows how other forms of news media were reporting other police brutality. This video shows that the media was helping to spread a pro-civil rights movement sentiment across the nation.

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